What I’m doing to keep you safe

Not my cutest moment but it feels good to be safe.

Not my cutest moment but it feels good to be safe.

While we are all moving through this challenging time together, my top priority is to do my part in keeping my loved ones and community safe. I kindly ask all of my clients to do the same. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID or are showing symptoms, please stay home and call to reschedule at a more appropriate time.

Please arrive with a mask and wait in the car until I am ready to see you. Upon arrival, I will take your temperature and you will fill out a COVID screening form.

I will be suited up with professional PPE - N95 mask, face shield, hair cover, gloves, and full lab coat. I allow ample time between each patient (hence the limited schedule) in order for the space to fully air out. After each patient, I wipe down all surfaces, equipment, doors, knobs, chairs, pens, clip boards, etc with medical-grade disinfectant.

Due to changes in scheduling, my online booking system is not yet reopened. I ask that all my patients call, text, or email to schedule.

I want to thank all of my clients for being so patient. I have missed seeing ya’ll and can’t wait to get my hands on that beautiful skin.